Social and Emotional Learning

At CLASS we integrate Social and Emotional Learning into our whole afternoon. It is a part of our everyday conversations and the main lead in positive child guidance.     Video Length: 2m 55s


At CLASS we practice mindfulness daily. Mindfulness develops the whole brain and is the cornerstone for Growth Mindset and Social and Emotional Learning. It is the practice of noticing our thoughts and feelings, sensations, and anything going on around us. Simply put, awareness and self-awareness are the first steps to SEL.     Video Length: 2m

Growth Mindset

At CLASS we believe in a growth mindset. Growth Mindset is the belief that intelligence, talents, and abilities can be learned and developed. Building a growth mindset at a young age creates a healthy relationship with failure and success. We are helping build hard workers and problem solvers who are confident and resilient.     Video Length: 9m 37s

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